For the most up-to-date notes and excrusion information, please visit your Compass Parent Portal.
Student permission notes are required for school events, including excursions, in-school performances, Primary Schools Sports Association (PSSA) sport and overnight excursions. These permission notes are distributed in class to students and are also available on the website. Parents are asked to complete the relevant permission notes and return them to your child's class teacher.
Excursion and Incursions
Excursion permission notes are an important part of any off-site actitivity. The school requires all students to have parental permission before attending any off-site excursion. Student should receive a paper copy of these notes from their class teacher or find a copy in the list below. Additionally, where there is a cost associated with the excursion an online payment can be made using the 'MAKE A PAYMENT' link at the top of the page.
Sport and Primary Schools Sports Association
Sport and Primary School Sports Association permission notes can be located below. The school requires all students to have parental permission before attending any sport or PSSA activity whether taking place in-school or off-site. Student should receive a paper copy of these notes from their class teacher or coach. Alternatively you can find a copy in the list below.