Kent Road Public School

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Kindergarten enrolment

Apply online

Our new online enrolment process makes it easier and faster to enrol your child at your local school.

To apply online, you must:

  • be an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident

  • live in the local enrolment area of this school.

Apply for enrolment online .

If you are not eligible to use the online form or prefer not to, you can download an application to enrol (PDF 768.4KB).

Enrolment procedures

If you would like to enrol at Kent Road Public School please complete the Application To Enrol form which is available in the links section or from the school office.

Kindergarten children must be five years old by the 31st July 2025 in order to enrol in Kindergarten (for the 2025 school year) and must start school by the end of semester one. You will need to provide the following documentation prior to your child starting school:

  • Birth certificate or passport
  • Immunisation certificate 
  • Proof of residential address, (eg original copies of council rates notice, lease agreement, electricity account, statutory declaration etc)

Temporary residents 

Students arriving from overseas will need to bring their passports and visas when enrolling at school and special conditions may exist for some visa holders. For students who are Temporary Residents, an Authority to Enrol document must be issued by the Department of Education prior to commencing enrolment.

Priority must be given to students living within the school's enrolment boundaries. Students who live outside the local area are entitled to apply to enrol at Kent Road PS, and depending on vacancies, the school may accept the enrolment. Decisions regarding enrolment will be made by the school's enrolment committee.

Kindergarten orientation and transition

Kindergarten orientation and transition days are held each year in Term 4. This allows the new students to become familiar with the school prior to their first day of school. However, due social distancing restrictions these programs are currently being reviewed. Please check back at a later for updates.

While children are becoming familiar with the school environment through classroom activities, we will be running workshops for parents. These workshops are aimed at providing parents and carers valuable information to support families in this extremely important transition.

Kindergarten - The first day

Kindergarten children commence school the day after the rest of the students in Years 1 – 6. Please check the online calendar for the correct date but this information will be communicated to parents during the transition process.

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