Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.
Principal: Ben Harrison (Relieving)
Deputy Principals: Chauntal Gwynne & Peta Griffith
Assistant Principal C&I: Davina Kite & Caitlin van der Walt
KA - Miss Albuquerque
KI - Miss Izaks
KM - Miss McKenna
KH - Miss Hansford
KN - Mrs Hendry
KF - Miss Fisher
KD - Miss Nigem
Year 1
1H - Mrs Higgerson (Assistant Principal)
1A - Miss Collishaw
1Z - Miss Zoratto
1C - Miss Choi
1D - Mrs Hodges
1F - Mrs Fishburn
Year 2
2C - Miss Cramp (Assistant Principal)
2WN - Mrs Wilkes and Mrs Nadesan
2E - Miss Sutton
2M - Miss McKittrick
2H - Miss Houze
2V - Miss Viney
2S - Miss Song
2L - Ms Luo
K-2 Support
Class CC - Miss Chun
Class CL - Mrs Lindsay (Assistant Principal)
Year 3 and Year 4
3F - Miss Fraser
3S - Miss Spence
3A - Ms Lynch
3T - Mrs Taylor
3/4I - Miss Ison
4E - Miss Kosutar
4K - Mr Kim
4T - Miss Tan
4S - Miss Starkey
Miss Basmajian - Stage 2 Assistant Principal
Year 5 and Year 6
5S - Miss Swan
5D - Miss Dahdah
5G - Ms Guerrero
5P - Miss Park
5/6S - Miss Sherriff
6L - Mr Lim
6M - Miss McCarthy
6W - Miss Whitworth
6P - Mr McGhee
Miss Field - Stage 3 Assistant Principal
3-6 Support
Class CN - Miss Lelli
Counsellors: Anthea Waldersee (Mon-Wed), Tabitha Pezzotti (Thurs-Fri)
Learning Support Teacher: Mrs Prins
Library and Technology: Mrs Russell, Mrs Duyvestyn, Ms Nightingale, Ms Pitt
Creative Arts: Miss Koeferl, Mrs Couch
Support and English as an Additional Language/Dialect EAL/D: Mrs Grealy, Mrs Luong, Miss Young, Mrs Cheung
Learning Support Officers: Miss Sevan, Ms Griffin, Miss Pooja, Miss Griffin, Miss Van, Miss Hannah, Ms Cindy, Aaron, Miss Lily, Miss Diana
School Administration Manager: Gail Unsworth
School Administration Officers: Pamela Kuchta, Jenny Kiss, Robin Butterfield, Kelly Graham, Michelle Parsons
General Assistant: Shaun Parsons, Greg Butterfield